Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Molly Haskell

“Nichols is scrupulous in adhering to the known facts, refusing to,,, specify just what did get into Karen, both physically and psychologically. She remains something of an engima: How far was her paranoia justified?….

“It is precisely because the characters are so interesting that we want to know more about them, want their stories and attitudes developed, or at least woven more organically into the political framework.

“Heading a cast that is extraordinarily strong in capturing a variety of down-home folk types and behavioral truths is Streep's Karen. Chain-smoking, wearing miniskirts and pulling constantly at the hair of what looks like a Dacron wig, she is outrageous and absolutely right in her greatest performance to date. In the past, I've had reservations about the neurotic mannerisms of her previous starring roles, but they were made to order for Karen, a nosy, impulsive "stand-up" woman--open as an open book and mysterious as an unknown language.”

Molly Haskell
Playgirl, March 1984


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